Do the Cops Need a Rebrand?

If we’re talking about reforming police departments, maybe we should be talking about rebranding them, as well. A Wilmington, NC police cruiser: What does a scowling Dodge Charger with POLICE written in massive italics across the side – complete with gradient...

Is Your Brand Opening Up or Boarding Up?

Photo: Loozrboy via Flickr via Flickr / Creative Commons License Brands face a challenge right now: a) Pretend nothing is happening, or b) change the things they say and do to meet the times at hand – and prepare for more unsettled times ahead. Which road will your...

Brand Voice in a Time of Crisis

Photo: Craftivist Collective via Flickr / Creative Commons License What passed for effective messaging a month ago could sound crass and inappropriate now. Overdoing it with the sympathy angle is equally as tricky. How can brands continue vital marketing efforts in...

Bots Ate My Brand

Suppose a bot took over your brand, threatening to destroy everything your company stood for. Turns out, that’s not necessarily a bad thing – as long as you have a strategy for dealing with it. Recently, Chromium was contacted by an Edtech company called FATV,...

The Brand-Culture Continuum

Visualize an infinity symbol. One side is your brand; the other is your corporate culture. Now draw that symbol in the air with your finger. When all is right with a company’s world, brand and culture are a perfectly symmetrical continuum , with one driving the other...

CFOs: Follow the Brand+Culture Money

What role do CFOs have in advancing a strong brand and a vibrant corporate culture? Apart from participating in company cultural activities and doing their part to live the brand, the answer is not that obvious. Or perhaps it is: Just do what you do. In other words,...